Dex-acne is a means for fatty, prone to inflammation and acne skin. It contains vegetable extracts, sulfur, menthol and other components. These substances in the composition of drugs have a comprehensive effect on the skin: dried it, remove excessively, disinfection, quench inflammation and so on. Naturally, this drug must be applied regularly, it is possible to use it when acne is treated with other means as support.

Applied Dex-Acne with:

- acne rash - for therapy and prevention.

There are two forms of this drug - gel and lotion. The first form is used to apply to problem areas. You can use gel for the night or in the morning. The main thing is, according to the instructions of the drug Dex-Acne, leave the remedy on the skin, do not wash it off. The benefit of the fact that the gel is transparent and absorbed - it is not visible on the face even during the day.

Lotion Decreks-acne is used for washing and cleansing the skin. It is applied to a cotton sponge and wipe the plots of inflammation and elevated salinity. It is possible to use for normal skin. It is recommended to acquire and apply both means at the same time. First clean the skin with lotion, and then apply gel.

Contraindicated Dex-Acne with:

- intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side Effects Decke-Acne

With prolonged use of a dex-acne, some skin sections can be significantly landed, even peeling appears. If you notice the signs of this, then it is necessary to apply gel only on those areas where inflammation, fatty, eels still persist. If the dexcin-acne treatment does not give the expected effect or, on the contrary, it leads to additional redness, peeling or itching appearance - it is necessary to stop using it.

Reviews about Deck-acne

Many delx-acne reviews are questions: whether it smells from these funds sulfur, how, for example, from sulfur ointments? - According to most of those who used this gel, it smells almost neutral, nice, herbs. In general, opinions about the effectiveness of the Decrek Akne are very positive:

- I brought forehead in order for several days. The skin was clearly cleared, although I did not even pinch such hopes. Now everything rises everything again, but I already know how to care for the skin and continue to be treated with this gel.

- I love Dex-Acne and I have been using it for a long time. Previously, he was stronger - sulfur is laid. But now supports the skin in good condition, protects its health.

"The doctor discharged to me a delek acne with Skinoren." This is the scheme for me. The cream is dried, and the gel soothes and moisturizes the skin. I just believed in my future with these means!

Of course, there are those who did not help a delex acne at all. But such reviews are much smaller. Therefore, it is worth trying to apply this lotion and gel with oily skin, the appearance of acne and inflamed areas on the face.

Price Dex-Acne

The cost of a divided acne tube containing 30 g of gel is from 112 to 129 rubles. The value of the divex-acne bottle containing 100 ml of lotion is from 92 to 110 rubles. Tired of your boring life? Not tired of doing what you have to do and not what you want to do? Not tired of your strict boss? I have a great alternative for you. When I searched on the Internet where I could earn quick and high quality, I found this site. Of course, I will advise everyone only this site if it is about earning money. Thanks to this site https://casinò you can become popular, live beautifully and do not forbid themselves in anything. You can buy yourself anything and fulfill your dreams.