Uterine tumors

Uterine tumors are one of the most common pathologies of the female body. Neoplasms can be benign, which are easily treatable and do not harm the woman's body. Malignant tumors are less common, require early diagnosis and the use of the achievements of modern medicine for recovery with the preservation of reproductive function.

Why does the tumor appear?

Under the influence of negative factors, some of the uterine cells lose their true functions, begin to divide uncontrollably, forming tumor-like growths. The localization of the tumor can be in any part of the organ of the female reproductive system, from the cervix to its appendages.

Modified cells of a benign nature may not bother the patient for years. The danger is the degeneration of the neoplasm into a cancerous tumor. With early diagnosis and timely qualified therapy, the oncological lesion is successfully treated.

The main reasons for the appearance of pathology are:

- hormonal disorders;

- genetic predisposition;

- severe stressful situations;

- violation of metabolic processes;

- lack of pregnancy and sexual activity;

- delay in the beginning of the ovarian-menstrual period.

Benign neoplasms

For a long time, the appearance of pathological formation from uterine cells may be asymptomatic. The slow growth of the tumor does not cause unpleasant sensations until the growth reaches a large size, exerting pressure on the organs of the genitourinary system and intestines.

Benign tumors include:

- uterine fibroids;

- fibromyoma;

- cyst.

Fibroids are benign tumors in the form of nodules located throughout the body of the uterus. Under the influence of hormonal failures, the muscle cells of the genital organ undergo degeneration. The disease is accompanied by intense pain and profuse bleeding, which gives a woman a lot of unpleasant moments.

Fibromyoma is formed by the muscle tissue of the uterus. It is most often found in young girls. Signs of fibromyoma are painful sensations during menstruation, the appearance of bleeding unrelated to menstruation, abdominal growth, unstable mental state.

A cyst is a neoplasm with a cavity inside which fluid accumulates. The main symptoms of pathology are pain in the lower abdomen, menstrual cycle disorders, copious blood discharge, urination disorders.

Malignant tumors

Oncological pathology is characterized by rapid growth with the possibility of germination into neighboring organs, tissues. With a prolonged course, metastases are observed throughout the body, leading to negative consequences up to a fatal outcome.

Malignant neoplasms include:

- cancer of the uterine body;

- endometrial cancer;

- sarcoma;

- cervical cancer.

Uterine oncology occurs mainly in women over 50 years of age during hormonal adjustment during menopause. It is possible to suspect the presence of cancer with abundant vaginal discharge of various types, cramping pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, the appearance of blood in urine and feces, constipation, difficulty urinating.


The choice of therapeutic measures depends on the nature and size of the pathology. Treatment can be medical, conservative or surgical. The technique is selected individually for each patient, depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease.

With any kind of overgrowth, the key to a favorable prognosis will be the detection of a tumor in the early stages of the disease. To do this, every woman should undergo preventive examinations by a gynecologist and follow the doctor's recommendations to eliminate precancerous conditions. lotto247