The current Moscow Art Theater lacks inner concentration

The main thing is that there should be no "pseudo" plays, imitator plays, so that under some mask the old and always dear to another heart non-conflict does not appear to us. If you don't want to have a belly, you need to monitor nutrition and do gymnastics!

From this season we are starting a small stage. Not because it's fashionable, but because it's necessary. There will be a training of young actors in the way of contact, which is the essence of the Art Theater's communication with its audience. New plays will also be tested here.

What I want to ask at the end of our conversation is not a thought, but rather a feeling.

Don't you think that the current Moscow Art Theater lacks the culture of the Art Theater, lacks its inner focus? Don't you think that sometimes, instead of gorenje, vanity rules the ball?

It seems. The intelligence of the Art Theater will probably always beckon us as a model and as an image, if you like. The art theater of its best pre-revolutionary years, the best post-revolutionary ones... As for the fuss, where is it not...

But let's not forget that we live in a different time, a completely different time, in a new rhythm.

I read somewhere that a famous musician has established that Mozart and Beethoven are performed faster today than during their lifetime, although orchestras strictly follow the authors' instructions in tempo.

Faster! We live faster, we feel faster, we are involved in so many cases and connections that the creators of the Art Theater did not even imagine. We suffer from such problems that they had no idea about. Irreversible processes are taking place. About the pastime of the classic Moscow Art Theater "old men", about the style of their work, you can only remember, maybe sigh... We are being torn apart by the theater, cinema, television, radio. And hundreds more unavoidable cases. The theater has ceased to be the only home for the actor. The conditions of the day, even the minutes, often dictate our line of behavior. The incoming obligations force us to reckon with ourselves. Hundreds of people of different competencies influence our work.

We are connected with the pace of the country, with the rhythms of the world. We live in phone calls and almost never walk. The end of the XX century is coming, and we — the theater — are included in its movement. Nostalgia can sometimes cover us, we can get carried away with all sorts of "retro", but we live here and now.

We are the theater!

...Yes, there is a lot of fuss, and it's a shame there are few non-working contacts with people. But in the conditions of this new rhythm, this finishing century, we must build today's Art Theater, designed for today's people. We are what we are! There is no other way...