The most beautiful cities in Russia. What to see in Yaroslavl?

Many mysteries and secrets are kept in cities with a thousand-year historical heritage and spiritual culture. Just think about how many different events there were here, how many destinies were decided over such a long period of time. Although, plunging into history, you can feel the charm of antiquity in its buildings, which have been preserved to this day, you can learn about the historical events of ancient Russian cities by arriving in one of the most beautiful cities of the Russian Federation - the pearl of the "Golden Ring" of our homeland, a beautiful city called Yaroslavl.
If you want to visit Yaroslavl, keep in mind that you will not be able to see all the memorable places of this city in just a couple of days. To really enjoy this city in all its glory, it's worth spending a lot more time.
Where do we start? Firstly, it is worth choosing a place to stop, there is a fairly extensive selection of hotels in Yaroslavl, there are elite hotels for lovers of comfortable rest, as well as there are hotel rooms with reasonable prices for every taste and budget. In addition, you can rent an apartment with a daily payment. Where to go? You can start getting acquainted with the historical heritage of the area by visiting the Transfiguration Monastery complex. This is one of the oldest buildings in the city, it belongs to the largest monastery complexes in the country, it was built to defend the borders of Yaroslavl. Here you can admire the famous Transfiguration Cathedral with its tombs that have survived to this day in good preservation. A museum is located on the monastery territory.
Take a walk along the banks of the Kotorosl River, you will see numerous temples, each unique in its own way. Take a look at one of the most famous churches – St. John the Baptist. Here you will enjoy the view of the ancient iconostasis, gorgeous paintings on the walls, wrought-iron gates and colorful tiles, all this splendor has been attracting travelers for many years.
You will be able to make sure that in this beautiful city, antiquity and modernity have perfectly converged, this is noticeable in the buildings, modern buildings are perfectly combined with medieval pavements and luxury cars. If you look out of your luxurious hotel room on the street, you can admire the historical center of Yaroslavl. If you make a stop at a more modest hotel, you will be able to enjoy a cozy atmosphere and tranquility. It does not matter where exactly you will settle, it is important how you will be able to plan your time to see as much as possible during your stay in the city.
You will permanently imprint in your memory the snow-white walls of monasteries, arches, gilded domes and the ringing silence of these places. You will never forget this trip, and you will definitely come back here again.