"The final solution of the Jewish question"

After the Wannsee Conference, the Germans began a consistent and accelerated extermination of the Jewish people. We can talk about a form of mass extermination. The poisonous gas Cyclone-B, which was used to kill prisoners in large groups, was used with great success in concentration camps. The first mass execution using hydrogen cyanide was carried out on December 8, 1941 at the Kulmhof camp near Chelmno on the Nera. Then the bodies of the dead were burned in huge crematoriums. This made it possible to get rid of hundreds of thousands of corpses, as well as to mask the scale of crimes committed by the Germans in the absence of relevant records, on the basis of which it was possible to determine the actual number of victims.

Deadly consequences

A system of death camps was established in the occupied Polish territories, including the Auschwitz-Birkenau complex, camps in the villages of Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Chelmno and Majdanek. This was an element of Operation Reinhard, launched in early 1942, the main assumption of which was the murder of all Jews remaining in the territory of the General Government. Its implementation was supervised by Reinhard Heydrich, head of the Reich General Directorate of Security (RSHA). The total number of victims of the horrific undertaking is about 2 million killed. It is no coincidence that the occupied Polish territories were chosen for the process of extermination of the Jewish population. The largest Jewish diaspora was located on the territory of the General Government, and the location of German-occupied Poland also allowed for the rapid transfer of Jews from other parts of Europe. In addition, it made it possible to remove responsibility from the real perpetrators of the crime, that is, from the Germans. Of particular importance were the deportations from Hungary, which began in May 1944. As a result, almost 430 thousand Jews were transported to occupied Poland. Adolf Eichmann was entrusted with the management of the organization of transportation and the functioning of the entire camp system. The total number of people killed in German death camps located in occupied Poland is more than 2.5 million people.

All this in the face of the passivity of the world. The Allies did not believe the information coming from the occupied territories. No one expected that the Germans would be capable of such atrocities. Consequently, assistance to the Jewish population was very limited. Western politicians are burdened primarily with passivity, especially in the face of reports from Polish emissaries. Jan Karski, an envoy of the Polish government in exile, informed representatives of the US authorities, including President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, about the German concentration camps. Most of the concentration camps were liberated only when the Red Army entered these lands. By then it was too late to intervene, because the Germans had almost completely killed the prisoners, who were first intended for slave labor, and then they were all killed. The silence and lack of reaction from the world overshadows the achievements of Western politicians, who today are considered the winners of the Second World War. Big Bass Bonanza Slot go fit bring big wins your way. Explore the thrill of di reels and high chances for success!