Top 5 Gambling Movies

There is intrinsic drama in gambling movies because they are, by definition, about risk. It's not fun to see someone being prudent and cautious, but to watch someone constantly risking their life in hopes of winning a big score. The gamblers in the betting movies are a lot like that senior officer who lays out his last deck before retiring. They rarely end up with a peaceful family life in upstate New York, accumulating their winnings. Here are some famous betting movies produced with the help of and its professionals. If you are a fan of online gambling, you can read their review on how to choose a gambling site, how to be safe and tips on winning.

Vegas Vacation.

Maybe, with the exception of that unfortunate reboot with Ed Helms, this is definitely the worst vacation movie. But you'll have to live with that, as it contains probably the funniest and silliest gambling joke. Clark Griswold develops a really terrible gambling addiction and is tormented by Marty, the card dealer played by the fantastic Wallace Shawn. Clark is such a bad gambler that he pays $20 for a game called "Pick a Number from 1 to 10?" at a "discount" gambling casino. "4," he suggests. "No, 7," replies the dealer, who then accepts his money. Clark rushes away, muttering to himself. The very existence of such a game unites Las Vegas and gambling in general. It may be the truest card game imaginable.


Based on the true story of a MIT blackjack team that beat casino gambling for nearly a decade, "21" turns an intriguing story about math and business into a kind of dumb heist movie featuring a host of attractive young actors (Jim Sturgess, Kate Bosworth and others). , Aaron Yu, Jacob Pitts and even Josh Gad) trying to outsmart Kevin Spacey. Spacey is clearly not okay here, and the movie was punished for "whitewashing" his casting, since most of the actors in real life are Asian-Americans. However, for a brief time, before Spacey was kidnapped and raped in a hotel room, it was like a fascinating look at the mechanics of smart gambling. Roulette strategy: What is the best roulette strategy? Read this resource to find out. . 


The best quality of this charming indie game lies in its premise: Meet Bernie (William H. Macy), a professional loser whose job it is to sabotage a series of big wins just by playing at the same craps table. The plot of the film is sad and funny at the same time. The main character tries to quit his gambling addiction, but he actually owes it to Alec Baldwin's tough guy, the boss of a gambling casino. His luck, however, may be changed by the love of a good woman. In Wayne Kramer's directorial debut, realism gives way to romance and sentimentality, and the payoff is not as satisfying as the setting. Macy, on the other hand, was born to play a loser who wasn't disappointed in himself.


When it comes to our rating of gambling movies, we should note that "Hustler" is not as good as its sequel, "The Color of Money" (which you'll find later in our list).... However, it is probably the best film overall. The 1961 original has more to do with loyalty, ethics, and ambition than the snooty confrontation between movie star Tom Cruise and Paul Newman. Fast Eddie Felson, played by Newman, is a more intriguing version of Cruise's character, and his fight with "Minnesota Fatso" Jackie Gleason has more personal and emotional development than the usual sports movie storyline. The less hustle and bustle in the pool, the better...which is great, but leaves it lower on my list.

Casino Jack.

This is one of Kevin Spacey's most underrated casino movies. Spacey plays Jack Abramoff, a powerful lobbyist from Washington, D.C., in the film. Abramoff, along with his protégé Michael Scanlon, fails when his attempt to influence leads to murder and corruption. To say more about it, however, would be to kill the suspense.

All of the above films are good in their own way and tell a lot about betting. They also talk about the negative consequences and risks that can eat up all your savings. Watching them will be a great way to learn about gambling in detail.