Tips for completing Commandos 2: Men of Courage - Basic Tasks # 002

Ways to distract opponents

Commandos 2: Men of Courage offers us many more ways to distract opponents than the first part and the expansion. We still have the Green Beret bait (which can now be used by any of the commandos), but some other items seem just as attractive as the aforementioned Butcher device.

Now I will tell you about some methods of turning opponents using various objects and techniques. Of course, dear player, you don't have to follow them, but when going through the second part of the commando, I usually used these methods, and they seem to me the simplest:

Using a pack of cigarettes, you can lure the guardian who is watching the point. First, throw the pack in a place visible to the opponent, and then attack him, for example, when he is going to get cigarettes.

Similarly, use a bottle of wine that the opponent will not hesitate to collect. After drinking a bottle of this drink, the sentry falls asleep for a while, and then it can be safely neutralized. However, when we add sleeping pills, the opponent will sleep until one of his colleagues wakes him up.

With the introduction of new items, the bait now seems useless. However, this is still a very good way to distract the enemy, who, being interested in the sound made by this bait, will leave his place and go straight into our hands...
Just like the bait, Whiskey barking, whistle sound and Spike mouse work. The last animal is especially interesting because a thief can drop it anywhere on the map and it will still return to the commando's pocket.

The old method of distracting attention also works - loud tapping on the wall. The enemy, interested in the sound, will turn for a moment, which can be used by another commando.

The driver was given a wire that could be stretched through narrow passages and along the path of some patrol. A passing soldier stumbles over a stretched wire and loses consciousness for a few moments.

The previously mentioned character (the driver) can use smoke bombs. Like all the other items described in this section, these bombs are also used to distract enemies. The driver throws a smoke bomb on the ground, from which smoke rises, forming a dense veil. Thus, no enemy will see what is happening on the other side of the smoke (for example, they will not see a commando brigade running). Alguns peixes, como o peixe-balão ou a piranha que morde, são nocivos, por isso evite apanhá-los, pois diminuem os seus pontos.