Child's speech development

With the birth of a baby, parents are waiting for the moment when their child utters his first words, and later fully speaks. So what should be done to ensure that the child's speech develops on time, correctly, without mistakes?

Stages of speech development

All children are individual, and begin to speak at different ages. But there are the main stages of speech development that you need to pay special attention to. How the parents manifest themselves during these periods of the baby's life will depend on his speech in the future.

The process of speech development in children consists of the following stages:

The period when there is an active preparation for verbal speech (from birth to a year);

Comprehension of language, the initial formation of speech in general (usually completed at the age of three);

Active speech practice (up to seven years);

Thorough study of written language (school years).

At all these stages, parents should pay maximum attention to communication with the child.

How to develop a child's speech correctly

From birth, you need to communicate with your baby – this is the basic law of proper speech development. Even at a very early age, talk, read fairy tales, sing songs.

When performing an action, voice it, for example: "I'm cleaning the house right now." At the same time, try to make your speech sound as clear, correct and understandable as possible. Don't chew on words, think over every word before you pronounce it. Children under 3 years old actively absorb all incoming information.

When the child begins to speak the first words, use the method of misunderstanding and provocation. The child asks you to get something and points at the object with his finger, give him something else, explain in detail that you did not understand what he asked for. In the future, the child will not be lazy to express his requests and wishes with words.

Buy special pictures that depict popular objects used in everyday life, elements of nature, wildlife, etc. Looking at them with your baby, explain in detail the plot of the picture, colors, purpose.

The important point is your answers to the questions posed. No need to answer "yes", "no". Try to give the answer in as much detail as possible.

If possible, take your children to an early development school. Experienced teachers conduct interesting lessons, paying attention not only to the correct development of the child's speech, but also to exercises that help the baby to speak, for example, fine motor skills.

Communication with older children is also an incentive for the child to speak. During the general games, he will try to express his emotions, actions with words.

Ways to increase a child's vocabulary

If your child already knows how to speak, but cannot express his thoughts correctly, then he does not have enough words for this. There are special tips for increasing vocabulary:

- always focus the child's attention on new words;

- when reading a book, ask the child to retell, just do not force him forcibly, let it be in a playful way;

- the puppet theater helps a lot, learn fairy tales, let the child choose the hero he likes;

- learn poems that will be interesting to the child.

Remember, the child's speech needs to be developed from birth, pay attention to him, actively communicate with him, and then your child will grow up literate, with a large vocabulary and correct speech.